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 The dangers of the use of chlorine to sterilize water

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

The dangers of the use of chlorine to sterilize water  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The dangers of the use of chlorine to sterilize water    The dangers of the use of chlorine to sterilize water  Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 19, 2014 2:03 pm

The dangers of the use of chlorine to sterilize water 

Chlorine is a gas as a greenish yellow is used to disinfect water from biological contaminants found on the form of a composite liquid (sodium hypochlorite) or powder is added to water for desired. 

The problem of water pollution problem everlasting, where he died a lot of people during the twenties and thirties of cholera and typhoid fever and dysentery amoebic caused by contaminated drinking water and when I use chlorine for the disinfection of drinking water is considered the move of the most important developments in the treatment of water in the twentieth century AD began chlorination of the water year 1890 to eliminate some of the causes of these diseases. Use of chlorine for the disinfection of drinking water on a large scale the first time in 1908 in the city of Chicago (America) and actually spent on diseases in the water, such as cholera and typhoid, and the deaths were before the chlorine equivalent to one death per 1,000 people due to Altoifued alone and continued to use the same vein until now . Thanks to this discovery was the elimination of these diseases and using this method of sterilization, along with water filtration and sewage treatment and reached the human to the amazing developments in the quality of drinking water and the preservation of the environment and now 98% of the drinking water around the world sterilized using chlorine. 

Chlorine has a great ability to sterilize drinking water and used for this purpose for more than a hundred years. Chlorination to kill all pathogenic bacteria, including pathogenic cholera, typhoid and dysentery, although the bacteria called Krepettosporadiom as well as giardia her ability to resist chlorine. But what worries the experts is the materials resulting from the interaction of chlorine with organic substances known as chlorinated hydrocarbons or Turaahalomithanat (Trihalomethanes) and short known as (THMs), and most of these materials consists in drinking water when chlorine reacts with natural materials such as the remnants of trees decaying animal materials which and other materials produced by chlorination her relationship installed some cancers, especially in the kidneys and the bladder which is more common than others in spite of the differences between the city and the other, for example, the city of Orleans, America takes its water from the Mississippi River contaminated, and therefore have to use higher doses of chlorine for disinfecting creating up to 63 additional compound carcinogenic in city water and when the Union of chlorine with methanol and other substances. However, evidence suggests that it does not exist in the foreseeable future an appropriate alternative for chlorine take his place due to his lack of cost and its ability to kill the microbes in spite of those problems mentioned, and which can be discarded as soon as the water from reaching the point of use by filtration. 

When chlorine is added to water reacts first with iron and manganese and hydrogen sulfide that may be present in the water. Residual chlorine (without interaction) reacts in turn with any organic material (including bacteria) in the water to ensure the survival of the water is protected along the network, is added chlorine plus by 5.0 ppm, and in large networks chlorine is added again in different locations of the network . At the end of the chlorine from its interaction with all mineral materials and organic, leaving part of it in drinking water, which is felt by people in their homes by the smell and taste, but the problem is they are with time accustomed to it was discovered in the seventies that the chlorine added to the water reacts to be a hazardous material known as Turaahalomithanat in 1970 it was discovered that materials resulting from the interaction of chlorine with organic material in the water (Disinfection By- Products / DBP) cause serious health problems including cancer 

Chlorine-As mentioned Oalah- his great ability to sterilize water, but what worries the experts is the materials resulting from the interaction of chlorine with organic substances known as chlorinated hydrocarbons or Turaahalomithanat (Trihalomethanes) and short known as (THMs). Most of this material consists in drinking water when chlorine reacts with natural materials such as the remnants of trees decaying and animal materials and found that some types of cancer associated with the use of chlorine in drinking water because of these materials if those materials make the human body more susceptible to cancer, and research suggests the high incidence of cancer by 44% among those who used water Mklora for uses other says the head of the Council of environmental Quality in America (there is growing evidence on the relationship of cancer of the colon and bladder and rectum consumption of water McClure) Add to this that it became known to many today that exposure to chlorine during shower bigger and more dangerous than the risk of drinking the same water, because it when you drink water, it takes way to the digestive system and then to the device excretory and ultimately only part of it goes into circulation. While it during the shower, open the hot water pores of the skin and thus takes the chlorine and other pollutants on its way into the body through the skin and therefore, there is a relationship installed between chlorine and bladder cancer, also published in the Journal of Public Health Magazine by Dr. Halina Brown, on the other hand, there is another serious problem , the inhalation of hazardous materials during the shower where the bathroom is usually small and therefore constitutes a hot water steam laden with chlorine inhalation, which is easy to end up bearing vapor carcinogenic substances. The problem is not only absorbed through the skin, but also in the nebulizer inhalation during showering through the shower, which is what leads to chlorine responsibility for some or all of the following issues: 

1 Respiratory system: 
Steam inhalation of chlorine while showering increases the problems of asthma, and allergies and sinus Exposure short term for these conditions may cause Admaa eyes, coughing, phlegm, Adme nose, and chest pain while being smaller may cause the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, and pneumonia and bronchitis , and shortness of breath, said a professor at the water chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh (USA) that exposure to chemicals vaporized during use shower more than 100 twice after a drink the same water and the researchers found in the Boston University (America) that the body absorbs fold chemicals volatile during the bathing shower through the lung The skin compared to the impact of chlorinated drinking water in the same amount of chlorine. 

2 Cancer: 
Binds chlorine in the water with some organic pollutants to result in what are known as chloroform (Chloroform), a carcinogen and known to cause this relationship bathing water McClure dangers of cancer of the bladder and rectum. The magazine US News World in a report in the 9/1991 AD that studies have found that chlorine can be inhaled and absorbed through the skin during bathing, and that this may lead to risks of cancer, Dr. Lance Dulles from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says that the bath is responsible the main high proportion of chloroform in the vast majority of homes that used water Mklora a study prepared by the magazine American Journal of Public Health and the year 1992 to increase from 15% to 35% in some cancers in people who use water Mklora compared to other points of the National Institute Cancer (America) that the risk of cancer more than 93% in people who use water Mklora compared with others who use the water is chlorinated and experts agree it is now uncertain risks arising from the use of chlorinated water, which caused the product of the reaction between chlorine and water contents 

3 heart disease: 

The high rate of the dangers of heart disease is also associated with drinking and bathing water McClure and where that chlorine destroys vitamin E (E), it probably justifies the relationship chlorine heart disease. 

4 - skin and hair problems: 

Bathing and Showering water McClure usually leads to redness of the skin and scalp, especially when those exposed more than others to the issues of sensitivity, says Dr. Pink Kmst that chlorine associated protein in the hair and destroy it, making it dry and Unruly In the same context, the bathing water McClure makes the skin and scalp Javtin, and increases the problems of the crust, and adversely affect the hair dye, and can also cause itchy skin and eyes has reportedly capitalizing on many people from devices remove chlorine and still have the negative effects associated with the use of water McClure, such as allergies and itching, redness and dryness of the skin and scalp and the presence of the crust there. According to field studies that bathing in the pool water McClure makes the skin absorbs chlorine through ten minutes and this exceeds the effect of the chlorine output from drinking 8 cups of water. 

5 exposure to oxidizing materials: 
Oxidizing substances are unstable oxygen molecules combine with other substances to form simply hazardous substances in fact, oxidizing substances reduce the level of oxygen in the cells, and this is what causes some cancers and heart, and the chlorine in the water is the most important source of oxidizing materials. 

6 - Abortion: 
Perhaps because of the destruction of chlorine to vitamin E (E) and other causes have been linked to exposure to chlorinated water problems of abortion. 

7 impacted teeth: 
The prolonged exposure to chlorinated water, either by drinking or swimming can lead to the affected tooth and weaknesses. 
To reduce the risk of the use of chlorine has adopted the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) America several measures and new systems in 1980, where imposed on cities, reducing the proportion of materials Turaahalomithanat (THMs) so as not to exceed 100 parts / million says Dr. Robert Harris, a world environment and one of three members of the Advisory Council of the White House (White House Advisory Council) that these values ​​of THMs prices mean only the beginning, and does not provide sufficient guarantees for the safety and must be supported. 
It can remove dirt and sediment, chlorine and all the aforementioned carcinogens through a centralized multi-media filters the water passes through them more than the process of purification. 

Chlorinated water kills bacteria and humans, too .. 

Cup pure water .. Is it difficult to achieve the dream now? 
Water is life .. we can not live without water, and this axiom does not know or does not believe her that it is trying to spend two days without eating any of fluids .. can this? 
Water, like air and light, the conditions of life on our planet, and the conditions of life in the entire universe. Scientists believe the possibility of life on Mars because of the presence of water there. The story of "Arthur C. Clarke," the British science fiction author of the famous "Space Odyssey" on the idea of ​​the existence of water on the moon "Europa" One moons of Jupiter, the largest planet of our solar system. 
Water-as Nalm- accounts for 70% of our bodies, we eat and the water we derive necessary nutrients Kalomlah minerals and vitamins. We do not use the water for drinking only water is the solvent is first, any stronger ability of fluids to dissolve the largest possible number of vehicles and components; Because of this ability we use water in the cleaning, cleaning ourselves whether or cleaning our homes or clean up our tools. 
Also use the water in the cooking, all the food you eat it enters the water .. In short: no water, no life. Better to say: without clean water. Water is contaminated cause many damages and may lead to death. 

In fact, the glue of our civilization has done everything in its power to pollute water sources on the planet. Although this did not reach yet to discover a substitute for water, scientists are still dependent on water. 

Selling water .. and if they made ​​it! 

And because water is a natural resource has become a resource for the money too. An increasing number of people trying to monopolize the water resources of the rivers and springs and wells to be converted to cash. Indeed, some of these treats water pipes and adds his metal salts and then sell it on bottled water from wells. 
Since not long had people in developing countries are looking for residents of states in the so-called Balmottagdma exclamation point and ask: "Why do these people do not drink tap water like us, Why buy bottled water in small bottles?". 
But now it has become the whole world to buy small bottles claiming they are more healthy and non-polluting, and drink from the tap water seen people admire and wonder: "Do not fear the disease?", But some are still forced to taste this water, "the taste of chlorine" ; because he can not buy water bottles. 

How did we get to this situation? 

It all began At Aatviade- across a range of goodwill that may pave the way to hell, as the saying goes. Some wanted to provide parents and springs water pure for others who can not go to the source. 
But the story of each part, the bad, and starts this aspect in the story of trade water with increasing environmental pollution caused by the increasing industrialization, and dumping of industrial wastes of various kinds in the major water sources like rivers and lakes. As a result of increased biological contamination of bacteria and germs in the water and rushed "specialists" to save us from this pollution supplementing "chlorine for water." 

How many of us know that the chlorine toxic gas used as a deadly chemical weapons in World War I? After this war, the thought of a "smart" in the use of chlorine for the war against bacteria in the water, and then became our water can not drink it in fact comes to us via the pipes. And open the taps in our homes we use to Blessed Mriia, Vme taps full of chlorine to the degree that we do not need to add centimeters to poison him life! 

According to Dr. c. M. American Brian biological world "that chlorine is the biggest killer in modern history," he adds, "that after two decades of chlorination of water (add chlorine to the water) started to rare diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and premature aging in the form of taking epidemic." 

Scientific research confirms that the PCB has to do with cancers of the liver, bladder and large intestine, as it is one of the factors affecting the hardening of the arteries, anemia, high blood pressure, allergies and others. 

But this is not enough, there is still chlorine in the quiver of a lot to offer us. Some may say: We do not drink chlorinated water, but we do wash only. 
Well, to them we say: "Research has shown that the body absorbs chlorine while showering, and that the amount of chlorine entering the body through the bathroom 10 minutes following equivalent quantity of drinking 8 glasses of the same large water! 

Is there a way to solve! 

Yes, there are several ways .. There are many filters and purification of different means to purify the water, but these methods are not available to the average citizen the poor; because it means costly and expensive. The question is: Are our shoulders and shake suffice that we live does not think about tomorrow and the future. 
Clearly, before the eyes of many people (sadly not including the perpetrators) that the most important thing now is that we hurry to solve small problems, and perhaps most important of which is to restore the water of healthy fresh and make it cheap -umajana The Omcn- do not have to build giant projects fictional vain real, the truth is that a healthy body is not correct, but with pure natural water. 

Sources of water in the world are many and varied. Water is the most precious natural resources, which must be proud of possessing Nations, but unfortunately we do not realize this. The day will come regret it to this negligence, when we find that all natural sources of water had occupied and monopolized a handful of investors seeking wealth and who are sure they will get what they're looking through the thirst of the public will not find a way, but have to pay dearly to get the water pure drink. 

Is the day will come where we will buy bottled air so that we can get the fresh air we breathe too? Question may be answered by the future.
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The dangers of the use of chlorine to sterilize water
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