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 Backs magic

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5280
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Backs magic Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Backs magic   Backs magic Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 19, 2014 12:22 am


The backs have said scientists astrology that the planet if in houses fleeting, it will be in the backs and houses fleeting are the third, sixth, ninth and bending century and that by saying the whole, however, we can say that the sun if, for example, in the ninth and the moon in the third Lisa in the backs if that Frhama . 
As well as the Saturn in the twelfth and Mars in the sixth Lisa in the backs if Frhama in two places. 
As well as the buyer Makan in the ninth or in some some chances not be in the backs of his participation in the heat of the sun and the appropriateness of the ninth house in religion and science. 
As well as whether Venus in the third or in some chances not be in the backs of their participation in the Moon cold, humidity and suitability for the third tower in friendship. 
As for what is only so every planet is located in the Tower House fleeting for Wedge it in the backs. 
The planets are orchestrated in the twelfth, but Saturn, the sixth in all but Mars, and in the ninth, all of them except the sun and the housekeeper buyer if they were in some Hzawzama, and in the third, but also orchestrated the whole moon and Venus, if they were in some Hzawzama. 


Female astronomers note that the comparison is to be the planets in one tower, and the strength of the comparison on four aspects of 
Compared to the mismatch in one tower and two less than fifteen degrees 
The second is to have each and every one of them in the other's strength any in the beam the other, and for example, that the moon and Jupiter in one tower and between twelve degrees or less and the buyer in the strength of Moonbeam as offense Moon twelve degrees and not the moon in the strength of the beam buyer, if it was between nine degrees, which is the amount of the buyer's offense in the moon beam strength and the strength of the buyer's guilt, and if each and every one of them in the offense that the owner Kazn force in any significant indication of comparative judgment contriver, 
If one of them in the other's strength, it is Mkhalt weaker in significance. 
Third: to be both in the extent and the limits of one of the planets. 
IV: to be half the amount of their offense Oqlhma offense or less, a strong indication, if compare scores and become more of the planet's rapid Bataye weakened Dalalthma 
If less than two planets between the offense and differed Berghma not promise Mottagarnin to different towers, but said to be in the other offense, 
Not be comparison but in one tower 

For example: 

Venus to be in the twenty-seven degrees of Aries and Jupiter in two degrees of Taurus and five degrees between them there is no promise Mottagarnin to different towers to enter the flower to the Taurus, then only Ikunan Mottagarnin 
And not a comparison that meets planets in one place the offense and the body because between the planet and the planet other after many in the universe because one BFH of the owner, but if one of them Msamt for another extension of the sight line Mststakim to the planet up and ecliptic passes that line the planet below, then Ikunan Mottagarnan . 
As well as the words of the view that the Moon in Aries does not mean that the moon has entered the pregnancy because of their six orbits, but the line of sight of the observer straight passes from the position of sight to the position of the moon and to the ecliptic is located in pregnancy is the degree to which it Almsamt line. 

Contact or leave: 

Alaatsal two types: one in length and the other in the show. 

The contact length it means to go to the planet rapid Bataye planet, so long as the planet's rapid degrees less than the heavy grades of the planet if they Mottagarnin and if they are symmetrical, it means to go to the Contact 
Van evenly in the class has been contacted 
And increased the degree of rapid planet on the planet has left his heavy, for example. 
If the buyer in the first cancer in fifteen degrees and the moon in Taurus in ten degrees and the moon of Jupiter connected Tsudais It is the fastest walk from the buyer and less roll, it is going to him when he reaches the moon fifteen degrees of the Ox 
Altsawin happened between grades and degrees buyer Here, we say that he was contacted 
But if the moon walked and reached sixteen degrees have departed for buyer 
The scientists reported that the contact be astrology planets of the lower and upper Bambasslah not to touch the moon, it relates to all the planets and not related cheesed of planets 
Saturn and connects all the planets and is not related Bashaye of planets 
The sun is always above relate including planets and not relate including without 
And all the things that they mentioned here is the view of the whole, but he agreed in some places of the planet's orbit that connects the upper lower if the planet was the planet's upper fastest walk from the bottom 

For example: 

To be Venus in five degrees of Aries and Mercury in seven degrees of Aries, and Mercury Btiye Sir walking every day half a degree almost Venus fast walk going to the extent / degree and 15 minutes almost any degree and a quarter and Venus in this place connected to Mercury and caused in three days and then preceded Here, give it up and you will now have the means of communication and is slow to go fast. 
The second type is the display connection: 
This means that if planets in one tower and one degree and have no display tends done for his district ecliptic, or have had a display, and display each and every one of them as a show owner in the quantity and the South and the North, then eclipsing top to bottom, and compares in length and width, and as long as the rapid less a presentation of one side is connected to the offer. 
And if they are opposite and touch the display to be one of them in the north Salada and the other in the north was also bearish or both in the south, or one bullish and the other bearish, then connects the rapid least a drawer Balbte 
If the width of the rapid has left his offer 
If the debates Other Kaltsudais and triangulation is to be one of them upward in the north and the other downside in the south, or be one of them upward in the south and the other bearish in the north, in the face relates to the rapid least casually Balbte to be more than quick viewing, then be Mnasrva crosswise. 

Push force:
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Backs magic
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