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 Aspects of the moon and its effects on human

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Aspects of the moon and its effects on human  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Aspects of the moon and its effects on human    Aspects of the moon and its effects on human  Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 18, 2014 4:55 pm

Aspects of the moon and its effects on human
Aspects of the moon and its effects oomena of the tides the moon, can not be both a mind to deny a fair resemblance to the lunar cycle menstrual cycle in women, and at the level of the most important similarity lunar cycle cycle of life: birth, maturity, aging, death or rebirth.

Perhaps you do not feel the effect of the moon, but when the moon is in your sign solar, if the solar horoscope is bull, Vschar you're in good health, emotionally and intellectually when the moon solves this tower, this period would be appropriate to embark on new projects. But when the moon is in the solar horoscope match, ie, in contrast to the tower horoscope, in the previous example is a peer-bull Scorpio, during this period, it is advisable not to take any important decisions in order to avoid exposure to the current obstacles in your projects.

The understanding of the moon and its effects on our daily lives easier for us to deal with and exploit their energies instead of resistance, and the implications of these aspects of the moon:

Meeting: This is the time of coupling the moon the sun, "ie the night before the Islamic lunar month Light," where the moon is under the Sunbeam does not appear to us, then begins to appear on the shape of an arc, Vensmih Crescent, and continues to influence a quadrature right.

The period is the period of the meeting proper began new projects or to implement your plans, but wish to sow what grows well.

On a professional level: the actions that proceed during this period will evolve positively for the better provided they do not rely on others. And the person who is looking for work will facilitate him to find a job during this period. Workers will be more tender during this period, but they should not count because they are employers Director will notice that and interfere negatively. Business that begins during this period will evolve gradually, but this time favorite for more deals.

On an emotional level: emotional ties during the meeting does not succeed, because the meeting is born with lovers dreams difficult to achieve.

On the social level: a meeting of more than husbands and wives grow so increase their requirements, so it is advisable to avoid it and make concessions in order to avoid disputes.

Quadrature right or quadrature first: It starts its effect from the seventh night of the lunar month Islamic, during quadrature right is likely to show problems or challenges, so you have to prepare for and respond to, Vmzruatk small may be affected by frost or heat or wind, and it is advisable then that-fed or adds what protects them. And projects that may be exposed gradually progressing to the first administrative obstacles. Therefore, this period is suitable to accept the challenges and seek advice.

On a professional level: the beginning of any project in this period appropriate, but must be monitored walking and development, workers will increase their enthusiasm .. and partners will increase confidence among them .. and professional initiatives initiated during this period may become very important ..

On an emotional level: emotional relationships in this period will be lasting relationships has been sealed to marry, but it may happen that ends relationships suddenly this period as well. This period suitable for people who have a lot of common characteristics, but should not neglect the rest of the elements of astrology, "compared to the bodies of their birth, and contacts Kwakbhma, and remittances from planets to planets Haithma the time of their first meeting, etc.", but overall the relationships that take place during quadrature right lasts forever If you knew how the two partners offer concessions, and it was their love for each other and mutual honest.

On the social level: less social relations during this period, mutual visits shall be canceled at the last minute often for one reason or another, but on the whole are meetings in an atmosphere of harmony.

Reception: Reception at the moon when the sun, in an interview in the fourteenth night of the moon and the so-called Islamic Bdra.ama failed in a quadrature right, the results will be bad, On the other hand, if everything went as planned you'll find that the first results of your work has begun to be realized.

On a professional level: will follow the business to be done, and be a success ally, but if the start was good and knew how to go beyond the obstacles and hurdles that you encounter. Such as love and success is linked to the rest of the elements of the astronomical body, since you can not say for sure success by the fact that the moon in the reception, but it is an important factor for success.

On an emotional level is characterized by emotional ties in this period often conflict, Vashaq exchanging accusations, but there is no Fraqat. Frequent conflicts between couples during this period because the requests for couples abound and each waits for the other to provide a lot.

On the social level: social relations abound during this period, increasing the exchange of visits, and prevail cheerful, and frequently speak.

Quadrature latter or the left: This period starts from the day 22 of the Islamic lunar month stretch to the next meeting, and this period is suitable for reflection and consideration in the past, and find out what needs to be developed, and what needs to be corrected.

On a professional level: the business that is initiated during this period will be successful or may frustrate in its infancy.

In ancient astrologers had advised rulers to issue new laws during this period, because people are preoccupied with their problems which do not care about personal issues related to the community.

On an emotional level: relationships are rare during this period, people are thinking about their personal and do not really care about the problems of others. Vashaq get to know who are growing up in this period, their relationship on the basis of flimsy and could collapse at any moment. During this period, also spoke Fraqat .. this period in contrast, is suitable for those who do not have any relationship, especially couples who divorce their spouses died, or death.

On the social level: social relations are bad in this period, Vallqaouat are to discuss the critical issues and problems and duties. Vied look at everything and are criticizing. It is advisable in this period that a person remains in his home and not mix with people often only when necessary.
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Aspects of the moon and its effects on human
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