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 Determination of magic and envy

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5280
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Determination of magic and envy Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Determination of magic and envy   Determination of magic and envy Emptyالسبت أغسطس 16, 2014 1:01 am

Determination Almaaon 
In the name of God the Merciful 
O Allah, bless him and bless and bone and honor and generosity lobe Fayrouza Ring King --- and elite Arabs, Persians and Turks --- your argument on the world --- and Durra orphan extracted from the offspring of Adam --- the best --- born and born of the greatest father and born --- Secretary of God safes Alfoadil and its warehouse and Mksmha --- depending on the midwives and distributor --- sun suns universes --- planets faith and his family and his companions --- masts safety --- It followed his call and Astin Psonth and guided a gift to the Day of Judgment. 

After \ 
I come to my brothers today Badra tirade of Dürer forward Punic (holy God Sarah Aziz) has mentioned in his book (the source of the assets of Wisdom --- Page 178) and God hold a distraction has tried of the year (1995) For now I'm still the finest out Krgih and thanks to God taken from Sheikhi (Mr. Mamoun Al-Naimi --- God's mercy) and Oataneha Bojazath well Ojazna book upstream holiday full Oceachh (mercy of God and the holy secrets), was also reported in the book (compassion and wisdom in medicine) attributed to the sign (Jalaluddin Suyuti --- mercy God Almighty). 
And by the ear and the holiday of slave mortal poor at the mercy of his Lord Almighty writer of these lines for each of the subsequent Krgih or written about in accordance with the Algeljlutih Heptagon, provided Dedicate Fatiha for Hazrat Syed creatures and lamp dark and messenger deity Alumblyk Alim Alam, and janaabah Sharif to his family and working scientists and polar Aldarkin Almtdrickan and parents and the righteous and the general nation and our parents and our sheikhs and the writer of these lines. 
In the name of God the Merciful 
Al-Fatihah full --- to create the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most people did not know --- refer sight you see from breakfast then attributed sight Curtin turn Alec sight Khasia a Hasir --- Prophet lost camel has and suffered the greatest down-and Adam dripped in the eye thought, the tower of every male and female, Aain Aaaaúna Yardiih Eachaúna, Aahmra such as meat and Aawhita such as tallow and Aasaudae such as coal, except the palms (so and so) the evil eye Hamra and Al Ain Hula and eye Suda and eye Safra and eye Alriqta eye Chla, Aain Aaaaúna Yardiih Eachaúna, and the sky with zodiac each eye you log in, and dawn each eye being, and phase Lewis each eye had to be, and the sun and overnight each eye sees, is Attac talk Gash each eye cattle, and the sky and the roller for each eye supernatural, the name of God the Merciful --- Say God is one --- any God, any God, any God --- God Samad --- no God and no God and no God --- not --- to generate Awallah to Awallah to Awallah --- --- has been born to Awallah to Awallah to Awallah --- did not have a longer one - - any God, any God, any God --- Rbenakhv torment us I believe in (7 times) appointed appointed viewers viewers viewers eye, and the blessings of God be upon the Prophet Muhammad and his family and him.
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Determination of magic and envy
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