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 Talisman treat kidney thanks to God and His mercy

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5250
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Talisman treat kidney thanks to God and His mercy Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Talisman treat kidney thanks to God and His mercy   Talisman treat kidney thanks to God and His mercy Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 15, 2014 12:36 am

[ltr][size=32]Talisman treat kidney thanks to God and His mercy[/ltr][/size]
[ltr]God the Merciful[/ltr]
[size=32]In the name of
[size=32]And prayer to the God of Muhammad and the pure[/size] 
[size=32]You go down these incantations to treat patients Chwena God and beware of all evil[/size] 
[size=32]And God healed the sick Muslims and Muslim mercy wan and nothing but the reasons for treatment[/size] 
[size=32]Did not go down that way until after the uncertainty of them and their treatment and see the result on several people for treatment[/size] 
[size=32]Just copy paper and write the name as it is referred to, and you write the name First Taatauz Ba Hearing, the Knowing God from the accursed Satan[/size] 
[size=32]Ba and called of God the Merciful[/size] 
[size=32]And pray for the beloved Muhammad and pure[/size] 
[size=32]Written and wrapped with a cloth green or white and carries on right ulna[/size] 
[size=32]I have been a power of attorney from the mean for the treatment of treatment on this talisman after a re-drafted and wrote several pens and methods after the cycle time to be the strongest effectiveness[/size] 
[size=32]And to all of its intended treatment[/size] 
[size=32]That taking the money to treat it is free vindicated in his fees for me and I'm 10 percent of what Ba takes money and gives it to the orphanage is known to him or his country ongoing charity Me and Amuate[/size] 
[size=32]Agra, and did not take on his work[/size] 
[size=32]Student reading the Fatiha dishonest treatment[/size] 
[size=32]Moutai and the dead to the Muslim men and women[/size] 
[size=32]The piece is a non-disclosure is Mbre[/size] 

[ltr]Talisman treat kidney thanks to God and His mercy 010512040155c4obieohzmagt1mnelrhh

Talisman treat kidney thanks to God and His mercy 010512050133y3nypvhsowxgfasxsxfoix
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Talisman treat kidney thanks to God and His mercy
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