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 Talisman right to expel and described the death of a gang Daash Altkfferin

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Talisman right to expel and described the death of a gang Daash Altkfferin Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Talisman right to expel and described the death of a gang Daash Altkfferin   Talisman right to expel and described the death of a gang Daash Altkfferin Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 15, 2014 12:19 am

In the name of God the Merciful Praise be to Allah and peace be upon the best of His creation of Prophet Muhammad, The God of the good and virtuous, and his family Almentajabin either after I informed a lot of what is happening in Iraq of criminality Daash and control of the province of Mosul and killed the residents and Gtsabhm for women and Thgeralauaúl is also known they were criminals, sinners to Aamdon Islam Bay Link, either closely or from afar, but they are Jewish movement Freemasonry backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and some states to destroy Islam and here we needed our duty legitimate that we help our brothers, including God blessed us from the knowledge of the character and number and said Prophet congealed Muhammad may Allah bless him and God I seek refuge in You from science Ainf to another supplication Sharif oldest day this talisman great masterly to help our brothers in Mosul, and in all of Iraq's provinces other and Ayda Iraqi army hero, a defeat and kill Hola criminals Daash mystery of this work is fast and strong and the way that you write every town or province this talisman three times in three papers Tahereh at any time and requires writing in red and used Kaata jacketed three copies of each one alone Blaalon so well for Aidechlha water never thrown a copy in the nearest river in the province or city or village and the second attached to the tree and third buried in that town either for our fellow fighters writes every commander alone and a brigade and regiment, confidential and faction copy, and he carries with him in the pocket and prefers his book some copies and distribute them to war equipment and vehicles transporting soldiers and willing Mawla will see is inconceivable from the defeat and the fall of Hola sprinkling and mercenaries in the hands of Iraqi forces dishonest as ÇŃĚćÇ of fraternity members to publish this talisman in all sites continue like Elvis your etcetera for not being able to put it due to lack indicated earlier, and since you are fine 
Talisman right to expel and described the death of a gang Daash Altkfferin 159635673
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Talisman right to expel and described the death of a gang Daash Altkfferin
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت :: Talismans and magical characters and secrets Alawvaq-
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