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 Soothing sand

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Soothing sand Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Soothing sand   Soothing sand Emptyالإثنين أغسطس 25, 2014 1:27 am

Soothing sand:
As already knew how to extract sand Takht any body of sand and has a simple overview assets Astrology will not find it difficult to understand the provisions of the sand because most of the provisions of the sand derived from astrology
We knew in astrology how Aries is the first zodiac and it suits him to the houses of the first house, and the bull suits him home the second and so on ... the same thing in the science of sand for every form of sand and house number ad hoc ad hoc attributed to him naturally Falakon Jawdlh the first form of sand credited with the first house of Takht sand, and a second home for often attributed to being a second form of sand where the arrangement and so on ...
The next picture shows and soothing sand any order forms, natural and houses which are attributed her naturally
And what science confirms derive sand origins of astrology is semantics houses sand
The houses twelve in the science of sand have the same connotations houses in astrology
The house shows the first self-starting and life and things ... and second home house money ... and the third house and the house of the brothers movements and movements near ... and so on
Four houses remain as long as the forms of sand sixteen, and these houses are evidence of any evidence to help the rest of the houses, and we mean the pickets
The house XIII shows the liquid and conscience is comparable in significance to the first house he shared with him in the semantics
And XIV made ​​him a participant in the seventh significance of this indicates any others responsible for him and a wife and partner and the rest of the seventh connotations in astrology
And the fifteenth named because the number of points a balance must always come in pairs, and only account in error and this is similar to the Tenth House Sultan House and the governor is participant in the tenth house of significance
House and XVI House consequences of things and is a sign of the fourth house of course is the fourth participant in the semantic and his uncertain
And here the paradox of the task in the science of sand has been worthwhile to attribute form Jawdlh to Aries on the grounds that the first house of pregnancy, and attributed the form of cases of Thor for being a second form of sand ... but scientists sand taken a breakdown last here ... and the reason is clear and is that the distribution of happiness and Alnhosh between forms of sand differs from the distribution of salary between zodiac
And is the smartness of scientists sand and preserved them assets sand with the adoption of appropriate branches
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent Rahiem
Ababa valued and as I promised before the finish objective modest about Altsakhin ..
As I said earlier that there are obstacles stand either student novice frankly and Tgalah bewildered in front of it, but a method to extract moms four and the election of soothing my father would go it has been touched to the first there is no need to be repeated only wanted more explanation of the honorable members .. The second point which is Altsakhin Gkma differed scientists in the ways of extracting moms four Kdalk differed in a Altsakhin Each has housed its own or Akhaddh for Sheikh .. Wen months Altsakhin are housed Sheikh Zenati and soothing son behind and soothing natural reason for the discrepancy between Haala is that Sheikh Zenati built housed on the base Bzdh and son behind the Base Abdh and how Dalk?
It is known Adhikm that figure consists of four layers or four elements of any fire, air, water and soil and Sheikh Zenati what he wanted Anebena housed known and arrange forms given to the fire element 2 and the air element 7 and the water element 4 and dirt 8 For example, the form sometimes in an open airway, a B-2 and put it in second home and also form Jawdelh has opened fire, water and earth Valenar 2 and air 7 and dirt 8 Vicu everyone 17 minus 16 remaining 1 and placed it in the first house and Hakda etc. soothing .. and Hedda soothing very famous and trader among scientists today I some scientists opposed this topic Qaeda any fire 2 and 7 In fact, the air seems to me this topic Qaeda illogical and starts Dalk from first glance with respect to Sheikh God's mercy has been informed of the media ...
The soothing second is Tekin Shaykh Ibn Khalaf In fact cheetah soothing my dad walking him so much for Mntqath in the situation has been built on the base Abdh any fire or point of fire 1 and 2 air and water, 4 and 8 of dust for example, the form sometimes the element of fire and open fire 1 as I said and put it in the house first and Hecda etc. soothing to I Hedda soothing less well known other than analgesia Sheikh Zenati probably due Dalk to the large literature Hedda last or is present but exports are really forgotten among the bookshelves antique susceptible Etrakm dust it also signed up with a lot of rare books and manuscripts which priceless Viajb ....? .
The soothing third is soothing and natural-called Batabiei because he naturally installed did not Ataatdkhal one in the order forms and Dalk simply been extracted from the Four Mothers, a form of blush and sometimes threshold beyond pure cheek ..laket does not repeat figure in soothing twice and Duck is required
Finally, and as the old saying goes (all roads lead to Aroma) In fact, all the roads are correct for I also tell Dama problem is Rhanih student and the willingness and sincerity of his intention to work more the spirit was upscale and Hvvafah whenever his works were successful and not Hedda in the science of sand only, but in all the sciences spirituality and above all Dalk reconcile divine and as the poet said

The line the secret code secret ........... Spirit sees and has seen unless the non-
The intent then collect heart Çáĺăĺ ........ Vaaml boy that you want revealed sorrow

I Cha and however non gone on strike ........ and when Cha plan does not Tkslan
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Soothing sand
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» .allowafa Bowl in the sand in the science of sand
» Book 1 in the sand
» Secret knowledge of sand
» Book 2 in the science of sand
» Way of science crafted sand

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السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت :: Science crafts and sand and natures of the four water, air, fire and earth-
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