Secret and benefits Durr al-Najafi
(Secret and benefits Durr al-Najafi)
Secret and benefits Durr al-Najafi 35700337.jpg
Crystal Jandali -ttaleg it many labels such as: rock crystal (rock crystal) rock crystal (rock crystallization), crystal or crystal Alkristal- Acka- Jandal quartz crystal quartz Acka- Acka- flint colorless - Alkuatz crystal quartz glass Cnav Net, pure quartz too- such as transparent quartz glass or quartz Ahalin Alkuatz Aarts Alheialini- der Najaf (as it was called in ancient Iraq) or Durr al-Najafi Najafh (as called for in ancient Egypt).
Maha (also called Arabs and knew him) designation for this precious stone reached the people of ancient India).
The current main sources:
Japan-Madagascar, Switzerland, Brazil, the former Soviet Union (Russia) France Alps, the United States (in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran.
Its impact on human health
Mufail of health Jandali Crystal stone rock in humans:
-1 Has a calming effect on the nervous system.
-2 Contribute to the treatment of Alraas.
-3 Calm self and explain it, as it helps to improve mood.
-4 Relieves anxiety.
-5 Is disturbing dreams (nightmares).
-6 Lives of dental pain.
When using this stone?
To terrier Crystal Jandali many medical uses - such as anxiety, tension and anxiety, tremors, mood swings, strengthen the nervous system, various types of burns and Amos- Alamsak- cases of tuberculosis.
Standing stone crystal Jandali
In spiritual medicine
Crystal Jandali associated stone into the twin towers Jawza--Assad has a partnership relationship with the moon and Jupiter.
He is said to give success in family, work and helps strengthen reproduction (birth control).