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 Some of the secrets of the stones

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Some of the secrets of the stones  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Some of the secrets of the stones    Some of the secrets of the stones  Emptyالأحد أغسطس 24, 2014 12:03 am

Some of the secrets of the stones 

In the name of God the Merciful 
Peace, mercy and blessings of God 
After a good talk peace 
Here are some of the secrets of gems is received Ejehla many people 


A Persian word meaning a property and Alteryakyih and delete all the Arabs have been compensated a function .. 

It is a metallic mineral and vegetarian ..... 
Be a maximum of Persians, China and India, which follows the late Serendib .. 

Generated from: 

Mercury and sulfur overcame them and held free of moisture, and Alehiwanata, told \ It is generated in the hearts of some animals Kalabl ... 
If Tiger addressed the pyramid while these animals Fiktlha intended to take back to the stone Faoklh strength .. 

It was said ............. 

It is generated in the centuries some of the animals when he reaches fell .. 
Or in the navel Kalmsk and drops to itch .. 

Ojodh: Almichtab olivine batsman yellowish or what was layers of different colors .. 
Then white light 

And when it came out in the stone a piece of wood he is not aware of the purpose for which the tree because this is proven to cut toxins 

If you want to put to the test on the stone Valsqh the Alnhoush she must stop and sucked the poison even filled up and fell 
Is placed in the water Fastafrg poison and returned to the subject of Alnhish and thus not to affix a sign of healing 
It is a stone and not only .. 

Of signs: 

If carried Rights and sat on food poisoned sweat sweating heavily 

Stone Sea :: 

There is this stone on the sea coast 

Generated from the nice parts of the earth and water vapor 

Black Stone, a rough sense of such R'ha 

However, he does not dive into the mild water 

: Its properties: 

If that man Astsahbh and rode Sea security from drowning 

If thrown in as much as not boil 

((Mr Stone sleep)) 

Stone is very blushes 

Net color. 

See during the day as if he comes out of the semi-steam 

The night shines wudoo brightens up doing what was Hawwah 

((Stone Durr)) be a stone in alms eggs and some will be at the rivers and coasts 

There him and young adults as a cycle and it ....... g and became crystal-clear if the transparency and whiteness 

And Ojodh Net Majelb of Algry 

Lodestone magnet is iron ore, a mineral and is widespread in nature and is known since ancient times and an initial component in igneous rocks. Was interested by Muslim scholars and Benoit lot of properties, the most important lured to a piece of iron if brought him, and devoted Biruni in his book: Aljmaher know gems chapter on the magnet, and pointed to the character of the joint between the magnets, and Amber (electricity), which Jzbhma of things, and between the magnets outperform the amber in this capacity, and pointed out the Peronist that more ore magnets found in Anatolia and was made ​​into nails which are used in the shipbuilding industry in that country, while the Chinese they were making their ships annexation and connecting slabs of wood to each other with ropes from plant fibers, so that there are mountains from lodestone immersed in sea water was extracted China iron nails from the hulls of ships Vtaatvkk and sink in the water. 

And use the magnet in ancient medicine to remove phlegm and prevent cramping, and pointed out Muslim doctors that if grabbed the patient lodestone still muscular contractions of the limbs, and they were using lodestone in ridding the body of pieces of iron that enters it accidentally and that passing a magnet over the body injured, and stated that lodestone dwell arthritis pain and gout if you put - after Dekh vinegar - TOP positions pain 

And accept the phalanx 
Antzero more in the near future
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Some of the secrets of the stones
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