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 The seven planets

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

The seven planets  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The seven planets    The seven planets  Emptyالخميس أغسطس 21, 2014 8:11 pm

The seven planets 

In the name of God the Merciful 

It is well known that the seven planets and what they characters and metals and property have natures, and called the four elements, each one element, and everything in the universe, as we know so far, do not deviate from these complexions, and if we look at the characters we see are divided into four parts, each part of the seven characters, for the printing of the four elements, and if summarized 
He shot a printed e i m p u y printed dryness and heat 
It is printed dirt and b j n t r z printed cold and dryness 
It is printed air c g k o w s J printed heat and humidity 
It is printed water d h l p t i g printed cold and humidity 

The characters of whom rode the fire and make them name by a bullet Snubs lives. It is the four elements extracted Copyright mostly all business, has been demonstrating this copyright to its owner every printed his spirit, and the spirit of the fire the air, and the spirit of the soil water, and was told that the lives of thousands composed of them destroyed, including the varied, and some were heals Btabaa characters, For example, : If a person comes out of it mine, it is in print humidity; water and handling of course average so a fire, even in the Name property if it was mostly on his name printed fire but his cool, Vezod on behalf of, the letters most conditioning, to be the energy of the fire dormant in his name 
Even the towers has been divided into four sections depending on the elements or natures, Render therefore Aries, and the lion, and the bow, Copyright fiery, and every planet enters this dungeon becomes a firearm, and gave the Taurus, and Virgo, and Capricorn, Copyright Turabi, as well as each planet enters these towers becomes dirt, and gave Gemini, and Libra, and Aquarius, Copyright antenna, and each planet enters these towers become antenna, and gave the Cancer and Scorpio and Pisces, Copyright watery, and every planet enters this dungeon becomes watery, but the account is on a planet sun and the moon; sun and the moon reckoning 
Here's usefulness told about Hermes Heramsh and related attachment to the earth in the sky, not to meditate by many, though it fixed base, when he said: As the sky as well as on the ground, and we interpret this meaning according to science described through the site, in the sky consists of four chapters, which is about spring, summer, autumn and winter, if Rbtnaha land we find four Otabaa, Frbtoa spring air, and summer fire, and autumn dust, and winter water, as well as in the sky seven planets, which make up the solar system, and was linked to the days of the seven for the week, and this is the extent of the ground, Frbtoa each planet's Day, Valahd planet sun, and Monday planet moon, and Tuesday planet Mars, and Wednesdays planet Mercury, and Thursday, planet Jupiter, and Friday planet Venus, and Saturday planet Saturn, on the order of days and not on the order of the universe, and found that in the sky twelve towers, has been linked to twelve months, and found that the moon orbits in the Twenty-eight status, Frbtoha Balosmanih Twenty characters, 

As well as on earth as in heaven 
Complexions four air fire water dirt Spring Summer Autumn Winter Four Seasons 
Seven Days Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sun Moon Mercury Mars Saturn buyer flower seven planets 
Twelve months April May June July August September October November December January Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Assad Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Aquarius Pisces towers twelve 
Twenty-eight letters in August c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z J N butting ventricle Aldebaran Alehgah ... Saad Saad Saud Slaughter houses Lunar Twenty-eight 

Fbtaml underlying this mystery seems obvious that all the universe is linked in part to some, Vtkds deposited secrets of wisdom in the soles of his presence
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The seven planets
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