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 Book explain the source of the assets of Wisdom

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
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تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Book explain the source of the assets of Wisdom  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Book explain the source of the assets of Wisdom    Book explain the source of the assets of Wisdom  Emptyالأربعاء أغسطس 20, 2014 11:51 pm

Book explain the source of the assets of Wisdom 
In the name of God the Merciful 
Of the best books of Wisdom Book of Wisdom for the source of the assets of Bonnie God's mercy and forgive him. 
Which although it is not only the best but least Tsahava from other yet it is doing as many typographical errors that mysterious to most students, so famous Coney Pony waved in the permit. 
Here, God willing, we will explain what the book facilitates us of Fazlur Rahman. I will try as much as possible not to express my views opposition sometimes the views of Sheikh whether personal or even when they know that Sheikh but wanted to do so camouflage only to spite Ikhqa but we'll explain what concealed without detection of camouflage and thus we been successful among our purpose statement for the people and the purpose of Sheikh disguised and God: 
The page numbers on the spread of Islam edition: 
Page No. 6 

1, after saying no mistake Muasher brothers that this art is the numerator: 
The numerator is the status of letters to be divisive, which is tangled in the likeness of the types of name Hamad unrolled on the types: 
I: h m d a digital extension and is sometimes called a craftsman 
II: pw M. D. It is the extension of a craftsman and is sometimes called a composite literal 
Third: that h = 20:00 = 40 d = 4 
Third Fbstha be: eight forty four, a numerical extension and is sometimes called a composite numerical and sometimes heels 
IV: the numerator of which is the second: M. D. pw. Valh a = 8 = 40 = 13:00 22:00 = j = 40 d = 4 A = 1 l = 30 
Vabust be the fourth: 
Forty-eight and one ten forty-four and thirty one 
And is sometimes called the cube or dicing and there are other ways of cubed and nothing will come of it. 

2 after saying: and after work and then breaking another student: 
Cracker on the twenty-third of some sort. And I like to call it has been argued generally have much aware of the cracker is better than Elixir. It is the art of science of pure character comes after the extension of the purpose of any of the previous methods. And the kind mentioned by the author is referred to in the grand manner, a cracker from left to right a way months. In any author did not mention the author dedicates the way the cracker is meant is this way. Name and likeness in the required broken down like this: 
M i l b 
And b m i l 
B l i m and 
And b i l m 
I b l m 
M i l b 
We note in the last line is required. This is from the words of the author: to go back to the first line. It is here in the example has returned. And evidenced in the Punic cracker unlike other. Has protested so secret that mentioned in demonstrable benefit without harm. The last line if it appeared like the first so-called zipper appearing announce the end of the cracker. 

3 after saying of the same name of the desired deserving extracted from the scales: 
Scales are the first two lines of the cracker for the desired purpose. Line from the right and left of the line in the previous example, the scales are: 
M b l i and m 
And b l i m b 

4 after saying: Section of Obstetrics lines: 
Extraction section which divides the work done on the lines of a generation cracker Association letters taken lengthwise. In the previous example out of these names: 
Mpelo Tamtam Oak ...... and so good in the quad and all five characters name for evil. However, in the opinion of the Bonny that he does not repeat a character in the systems of these names has a way to modify this repetition and not as we have done here will be remembered as such Tamtam that later. In addition, the name of each of these names added hermsii Ebel. But we know for example how clamping the names of characters from the cracker. 

5 after saying: breaking and what is left and make that aides: 
Some wise men after the extraction section of the cracker lines as we did take a scales and deletes duplicates and break it, and it regulates the means of tawakkul aides divides them work in the department extracted first. And the selection of scales and a clear fact that the balance of the first on the right of the cracker is just the same as that on the left, as is evident from our previous example 
M b l i and m 
And b l i m b 
And thou shalt take on the right and m b l i m and delete duplicates and we break as we did so first: 
M b l and i 
Ct and b's 
B l i m and 
And l m i b 
And b i l m 
M b l and i 
And we organize quad in good or evil pentagram in his likeness: 
Mtalo Bembm Talob .. Thus lengthwise Vtkon these names are agents which are divided by the section lines extracted from the original generation. However, the author of this work was considered weak. Vllboni method for the extraction of other agents, a section of the desired name will come as detailed. 

6 After saying the book known art recombinant. 
Here the author refers to the art of science of cracking a synthesizer. It comes after the extension of the work and then dispersed after the letters comes cracker. And I've mentioned in the Book of blending mystery envelope was not used in this method of crushing explained that the book was not used as well as the Punic here in the same way. So it has referred to those who wanted Punic Theloaha referenced in his book Art recombinant occasion, he. And a reference to it is deserving of being used for a synthesis between Allan and so and so from the actual meaning of the blending of characters linked to any student is required consisting of characters with the characters of the same thing is located is required. 
Hamad likeness in love India then Nmzjh simplify work like this: 
Hamad India and after mixing 
H e m n DD 
Characters of this and of those characters and then breaking this numerator mixed. Not used often blending only if you want to bring the property to a literal character or group of characters for the student. Or between the student and the use of characters such as Required Bdouh famous for loving marital numbers between the student and the desired Mzja whereupon characters Bdouh shrine mentioned work of lovers or expel or cure and other characters to be meshed and possess those characteristics. 

Page 7 

1, after saying: The Zaergh and perused for permanent work and Dkhna: 
No. .. what to write any time ... any hour ... Zairjh thing is who writes or engrave it work. Horoscope is the planet that come up with a tower that looked three planets with each tower each planet third timing tower and all so-called one-third of the face are three faces three planets every hour. Dkhna what any vaporizes it while you work.
All of these terms will come on the detailed later. 

2 after saying: Rajya so very much reward from the Lord of lords: 
Hermes is the Greek name for the prophet of Allah, peace be upon him Idris. And called upon the people of Ethiopia and Sudan Enoch Hakim. It has been said that all the secret science has shown to the Prophet Idris what Roy that he had gone to the seaside Gillana on his people, who did not let themselves to guide them to him. Represent him there Jibril peace be upon him in the form of a man. And called him by his oh Idris. Idris Vonl what was not on the shape and form of his people. Asked him how he knew his name? Jibril told him that he had knowledge of the science. Idris asked him to teach him. Jibril, his line is points on the sand beach and the sand was so aware of the phrase is repeated so that the whole point of science in the works of the wise. As narrated from Ali bin Abi Talib, the generosity of God and face his novel from the point of Alaba basmalah in what is the first line in the Koran. Then that God's prophet Idris mastered what Jibril asked him what he knew Gabriel to hit the sand on the structure you know where Gabriel is in heaven? Came the answer is no recognized him that Idris is Gabriel. So he went to his people and tell them to take everything they've done and what captured him and Boh Voaajabua They learned it from him so. The names come out to them just like so and so who stole belongings bin flan answer robber come out so and so and so Ben theft occurred such and such is now in such and such and find it all right. He asked them to be God's prophet Idris strike Takht sand structure to know whether God sent a prophet and what's his name? Came the answer is yes, and his name is Idris was the miracle that he used to conversion of his people to the religion of Allah. Then they became beating the sand for everything they wanted to know if the medicine for the diseases they ask the conscience of the sand will reply and answer whether using drugs or natural blended using the names of the breach of customs and transport rocks, aviation, etc. Thus began the first works of this celestial science. It was found that the prophet of God Idris author name travel Idris has explained'm seventy. The book and the book Mdatis Alosfotas and Alhadireis Book and Book of Secrets treasure and ammunition righteous which is the fifth book in the science of crafts and password Budaiya Book and Book Almlatis older. 
The Punic talk about the way in which the major said it reached verbally is the so-called big way and Walta them throughout this letter. It is the same in the book of the secret envelope with some minor modifications. The way the secret envelope best way Punic explained and stronger, particularly as the Punic in Masterpiece fourth did not put her example as it is distributed and scattered parts of the message are all contrary to the secret envelope that explain Dzeatha in one place and then put her example in everything he needs student until he draw according to the form of status and power of attorney example around him. He also explained how this grand master Abdel Fattah Toukhi in his book, the beginning and the end, which is the same example in the secret envelope which is the way you need some meditation. 

3 after saying: The Times of evil except the work these hours: 
The author holds that the word of happy hours in the week to charity, namely: 
On Sunday the sun first hour or eighth 
On Monday the Moon the same hours 
On Thursday, the buyer the same hours 
On Friday, the same flower clocks 

Watches Alnhsh acts of evil, namely: 
On Tuesday, the first hour of Mars or eighth 
On Wednesday, the same watch for Mercury 
On Saturday to watch the same Saturn 
And watch the first time any Arab at sunrise that day, if the sun shone for example, at five thirty in the morning and that's the first time Arabic for that day, and so distributed clocks Bkwakbha. 

4 after saying they reported in their work and that the required transmission: 
This account of the length of the planet and center at that time. If the length is less than the center of the planet was going up and if more length from the middle of the planet was bearish. The professor came Abdel Fattah Toukhi in his book on the beginning and the end to explain a detailed explanation and clear. On the whole Vmaraftha not necessarily in this business. But enough to know that working hour of the day for any planet that is suitable for work and this is what will be determined later Punic, describing it as a mother to know the hidden secret of Meteorology other not only to infer the nature of births in those times any particular Mounbn.
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Book explain the source of the assets of Wisdom
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