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 Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5280
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons   Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons Emptyالأربعاء أغسطس 20, 2014 3:54 pm

Kingdom of gin?
Are the seven kings fact or libel?
Are demons seven layers and each applied biggest king?
Is the mother of gin?  It is the father of the jinn?
Does the subsidiary or the presence of the boys?  Is it known to other cultures?
You could call this life and evocation?  And how?
What works for these lives?

All these and other questions confused by ,,,,,,, I did not find them satisfactory answers in the Levantine Arab heritage ,,,, him and Moroccan ,,, and this is likely to be for several reasons, the most important in my opinion:

1. loss of many of the manuscripts because of calamities and disasters experienced by Muslims and was best known, however, the fall of Baghdad, the Tatars.
2.-Muslims to discern the spiritual problem of conflicting texts in lives and in fact attributed to these spirits of the gods or angels, they committed a sin Foukpt send them to the ground, do not you know, these beliefs are contrary to Islamic law, Vogfloa mentioned and addressed.
3 lack of familiarity with most of the languages ​​of the ancient spiritual Muslims led to the transfer of their names and attributes Msahvh and distorted.
4. a lot of spiritual Muslims did not accept the rituals evoke these spirits, those rituals ofeternal Bcrkiyat Voaradwa them aside.

Berguaa and some Western sources hinted began answers to some of these questions and this is what I will try to review ,,,,, in the form of rings.

Menus that remember Western references very large and include the names of the lives of different cultures and Calveronah Babylonian, Assyrian, Indian, Jewish and Christian.

These names of months:

1. Amon (Aamon)  One aide Astaroth.  Attributed to him he gives you the knowledge of the past and the future, when your league with the devil.  According to some books his forty Legion of demons under his leadership.  This brings the following pictures of Prince, an owl with a man, sometimes a wolf with a man with a snake's tail.  His name has been associated with the Egyptian god Amun or with Ba'al Hammon a Alqirtagen gods.

2. Abaddon (Abaddon)  (Abaddon Abaddon and Yahweh: א ב ד ן), was the supreme commander of the seventh layer of demons.  It was called devastating, as his name appeared again in the Book of Revelation, St. John, a king of locusts.
Abaddon is also the Hebrew name for the Greek god "Abollion."
In chemistry and magic, Abaddon is the angel of hell and one of the fiercest demons.  In the Middle Ages was considered a legend Abaddon synonymous with the ruler of hell.

3. Abalam (Abalam)  He is the King of Hell and one aide Baymon, who will attend if it made ​​some advances to the boss.  There is no description for this devil, do not know him very little.

4. Ibrasas (Abraxas)   Found this name engraved on some of the stones were used Ktaaoiv and amulets, also found in the name of some Greek papyri which dealt with magic, as the name is also found in Gnostic texts such as "the Gospel of the Egyptians."  It also claimed for centuries that an Egyptian god and a demon in a single entity.  , And seems to have a head in amulets (Bhoibus) or al-Assad (Ri or Mithras), and the body of a man, to the end of this mythical descriptions and illustrated by the following figure:
Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons Abraxas3

5- Asmuday or Asmodeus   Satan is mentioned in some Talmudic novels, for example, in the story of building the Temple of Solomon.

Pronounces his name is also in the following ways Ashmadia, Ashimidaa (Hebrew), Asmodallos - (Greek), Asmuday, Asmodaa (French), Asmoda, Asmodaa, Ahmodaa, Ahmodaa, Asmodaius, Asmudio (Spanish and Italian), Asmodaius, Asmoda, Chammaday, Hahmodaa, Sidonaa , Sidonaa.

Certificate of Solomon in the book, which dates back to the third century AD The book mentions that King Solomon summoned Asmodeus to work in the construction of the temple.  In another paragraph of the book mentions that the Archangel Raphael is the ruling on the upper Asmodeus.

Received it many stories I will mention only the most important implications:

Some reinstalled king of all demons, and that it would be at the height of his power attributed to him in the month and the month of November, the governor of the seventy-two Legion of demons, one of the kings lower limbs under the Emperor (the devil), which incites gambling abuse.  While others believe that Amir is Asmuday revenge or demon fancy.

Asmuday depicts a man with open arms, and legs of the cock, and the tail of the snake, and three heads (head breathed fire, and the head looks like the head of pregnancy, and the latter as head of the bull), and riding a lion or a dragon. (See photo):

Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons Asmodeus

6- Astaroth:  Referred to as the king is very strong, and that his aides are four bases demons Aamon (mentioned), Broslas, Barbatos and Rahafferak, depicts a naked man Astaroth dragon wings to last this Altosifat.kma called 'Achtart / Astarte which was released in the Vulgate Astharthy (singular) and Astharot (collect), puts some in the first row of the Devils, who seduces by laziness and Gharwr.o could have known sports science and craft, and can make a man invisible (latencies) and he can be massaged on hidden treasures, and that gives you the answers to each question you ask.  It was said that he also gives human beings power over snakes.  According to some investigators, during the month of August humans exposed to the fiercest attacks of this Hetan.oagira acknowledges both Drs: Christopher Milo Djelkoat and that "Astaroth copy of the goddess Astarte"

Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons Seal_of_demon_Astaroth
A picture of a magical ring Astaroth.

Today I will give you the most controversial figures and most terrifying in the history of the character of the "mother of boys" or "Lilith" as stated in its name references the Western.
Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons Lilitu

7- Lilith(Yahweh ל י ל י ת) ​​Balakadah "Līlītu" a female demon associated with wind and was believed to be the carrier of the disease and causing death.  Lilith appeared for the first time in the category of demons and wind storms in Sumer, about 3000 BC.  She also appeared as a demon Lilith Lilly in Jewish heritage.  In the King James version of the Bible appeared to Lilith as a wife for the first Adam.

The roots of the word "Lilith" to the word "night" in Semitic languages, as indicated by some cuneiform inscriptions word to the effect of some types of wind that causes the disease.

Out of character "for Elito" Akkadian, which means "Our Lady of the Air" may come back to the Sumerian goddess "Ninlil," the gods of the winds of the south and the wife of the god Enlil and also whose name means "Our Lady of the air."  In Mesopotamia, associated with winds of the south and the beginning of summer dust storms and poor public health.

In the book (Alsohar- months work Alkepplah) It is noteworthy that the power of the devil "Lilith" increasing during the decline of the moon.  And is believed to be waging a campaign of terror against women in pregnancy and childbirth and newborns, especially males Menhm.kma also pledged to attack the men sleep.
He also believes the three angels (Sinoe, Sansenoa, Syemangaloppe) assigned retrieved Khvha in the Red Sea and forced her to be divided whenever I saw their names or pictures on the amulets it will leave children and mothers in Salam.ahiana were drawn magic circle around the child's bed, with a mantra or Amulet emblazoned with the names of the three angels, and the name of "Adam and Eve" and the phrase "except Lilith" or "protect this child from all harm."  The amulets were often placed in the four corners of the room.
Like Eve was Lilith, which is in the form of a beautiful woman from head to waist.  But from the bottom of the waist, it is like a fire. Also prefer appearing: swans, owls, foxes, feral cats, and wolves, and by virtue of Samathaalmrabh has called 40 names Vdaaha Sumerians "to Amastho," The Greeks "Lamia", and called on other nations to "Gilo , "" Keshimuqin. "

In the book "certificate of Solomon"

Little book that Lilith is dubbed "The Bisot", as the book it is under the authority of the King, "Lavrov", one of the agents of the King "Rafael" (or Rgiaúal in Arabic), and knew this name and was written by a woman at the stage of birth, the Lilith will not be able to enter it.

Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons Adramelech

8- Adramelech:

It is also called (adrammelech, adramelek) is a form of the sun god, and was closer to his children as offerings mankind.  "Melech" means "king" in the Hebrew language.
Following the Jewish tradition - Christian, has promised all pagan gods (demons), including (Adraof) who became according to this tradition, President of the Senate satanic, and portrayed in a human torso and head, while the rest of the body the body of a mule or a peacock.
In classical literature, this is one of Satan's fallen angels,, one of the two kings defeated by Rafael and Aoraúal.

9- Ojalarepett:   Agaliarept
It is said that the devil is the Commander in Chief (the underworld), and the commander of the Second Corps, said that Europe and Asia Minor under its control, and believes (mythology Judaism) that has the ability to discover all the secrets, and provoke hostility and distrust between the men, one of two Devils directly under the devil, and also is one of the demons that have attributed to the rule of water-related issues.  Mature person depicted in a large mustache, a teacher hidden characteristics of metals and planets.

10- Ojars   Agares

Portrays an elderly wise man, riding a crocodile and holds his fist a hawk or Paza.ol Dukes of the world from the bottom to the east and 31 governs the Legion of demons.  Attributed to him in the magic ability to stop anything moving, and re-fugitives, and provoke earthquakes, and language learning.

Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons S_p24

This is a picture of a ring:

Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons Agares%5B1%5D

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and the consequence for the righteous, and God's blessings and peace upon His slave and Messenger Prophet Muhammad,

And his family and his companions companions.

(Seven kings).

1-King Abdullah doctrine

Server on Sunday, and wore the crown of gold.

2-King visits

Custodian on Monday.

3-king father Mahrzalahmr

Server on Tuesday, and wore the crown of Alahmruejdm from the Koran Surah Duha

4-Burgan King Aba Wonderland

Server on Wednesday, he was killed by the angel Ckramaaúal,

The place sat a Muslim king also called Burgan and wore the crown of yellow.

5-King Hmhorh

Server on Thursday to hear his name a lot in the movies, but the king of good

He sued the Gin and wearing his crown and white.

6 White-King

Server on Friday and said Anhakhalifh Hmhorh in the judiciary.

King Memon Ibanuch

Server on Saturday and wearing his crown and black, and serve from the Quran Al Hamza plus

Some of the fence to the other I will always remember now

And the meaning of the server as well as any day he stands on duty that day and do not stand in the other Mninade

Bring him in this day (and these seven Alqbwa seven adults) on the jinn and all Mlkmenhm severe

And sentenced to 49 and each tribe to tribe control 49 tribe and every tribe does not know the number but Allah

They serve from the Koran fence following: -sorh zodiac, Surat Gin

Khaddam Al Asamadah

Abdullah, Abdul Quddus, Abdul Wahid, Abdul Rahman Abdul Samad, and is said to be the oldest Abdullah .....

In addition to Alsadaty

Khaddam Fatiha

Ukhaydir pompous King of jinn and its wonderful Hakagueta Mataaml for him but I knew that with him

It has agents help of basil


Mr. Abdul-Karim attend when using Sura in solitude, and there's advocate

Attend and roaring Nassef and Sahv and Daagaf

Surah Duha

The servants of the angels: - two between heaven and earth with the clouds, and they are: -sasaaúal,

And Mhaaúal, and two with the wind and they are: -haaúal and Ziaúal, and two in the sea: -tootaaúal and Draaúal.

King and ruling them: -salhecfaaúal, and servants of the jinn Red King, the servants of the word Allah (God)

They are: - (Hilal and structures and (Khial) and the most famous latter is perhaps the greatest)

Khaddam name of God (nice).

Abdelbari and Abdul Latif and Abdul Fattah and beam, and the light, and favor, and Hadod Hkiel.

(Khaddam Al Jinn).

They are seven kings mentioned previously increased from close to them reap named Haj Aboyousef

He who converted to Islam at the hands of the Prophet, peace and who is said to have landed them Sura Gin.

Affection felt weak because the last one who died from converted to Islam with the Prophet was in the reign of Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz

He was named Sracp.

King Tarish: - Hoof and Amar

(Jinn who live in the houses and homes)

King Abadibaj

Hoof and peers.

Sheikh Ali Abu Acharaamit

Ascetics of the subjects and color and white clothes threadbare Musharmth as well as his turban and named Abu Acharaamit

Because he and his clothes threadbare Musharmth to extreme asceticism.

Elders of the jinn who are many, but I know them three presidents

Abe increases Hakim (comes from Mount s) and al-Hakim and al-Hakim Vqth Jonas.

-------------------------------------------------- ---

(Some Gin and Jews Nassar and demons).

(For Jews) I will remind some of them because they have so many

Assad Bungarus

Aka Babu covenants and Laith Leapfrog, which is used by witches in the work of the ball, connectivity and hatred

And divorce, diphtheria between husband and wife.

King Znqt

And the body never attend or tiger.

Black Cat

He is famous, but many do not know his name, a name (Zam), a severe Aoun

King of agents Memon Abanuch

It was disobedient rebels in the reign of Suleiman the prophet peace be upon him was a series of Prophet Solomon.

(The Committee for the Christians).

Kharbat son Zkhbaylh girl Red King

It's Christians and attend Friday prayers hour


Christians attend a Jan. Tlapit in epilepsy.


Show the children of the devil and his daughters and they have more than one way to prepare but I will remind them just one


Attend in the bathroom and have to be attended by unclean and attend to the big elephant and asks

From human to prostrate to him and then meets his conditions, to him God


It brings in the bathroom in the form of a black cat and take him and Toshoucheh in his ear, including Anevolh want.


Eldest son of the devil and he will be naked and reading the human determination Ahoudroalby him what he wants


Stronger children of the devil and the ruling which they attend in the form of a person wearing a black uncle

In his North Cross

(Daughters of the devil).

With beauties

He attends the graves.


Magician talismans writes on his palm and resolve and then slept clastic wake him from his sleep and asked them what he wants.

Naila or feeling oblique

Named the same feeling oblique because her hair is too long, so he covered some of these girls devil.

(Some of the names of the demons).

Girls whisperer

They are the daughters attend whisperer in the bathroom.


Marid of dirtiest and most powerful demons at all and feared by most magicians do not find much

Magicians from attending because tyranny severe including those who attended or Etcl done by magic.

Memon marriage

Is from Miami, but on what Jews think a demon, which is placing the witches

On torturing people that feel that Ms. sexually intimate partner and one that happens in a dream

It is kind of Altasalait.

Squirrel son doorman

Demon is attending in the bathroom and his arm and all over the arm of a competent something

And every one of them in a different color so the magician asks him Testament depending on what he wants

Kinds of evil bleeding or divorce or ligament or otherwise.


It is a child of the jinn and Isthaddam in Cbashbh bring a man who wants to

For sexual intercourse and a magician to bring a large white bricks of cemeteries and places it in a box

And resolve the Fund after that period then opens it and finds a baby cries and says to Hajelb Jane Lee

Where to do such and such, and after what brought this child due to his mother and father again

Abu Azaaazia client is also acting fetch, love, and otherwise they are demons.
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Kingdom of the jinn and ghosts and demons
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