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 What is the spiritual science?

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

What is the spiritual science?  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: What is the spiritual science?    What is the spiritual science?  Emptyالأربعاء أغسطس 20, 2014 3:25 pm

What is the spiritual science?

Each flag is a specialist in metaphysical things he does not know the people or the public
Wei, taken from the word spirit a word opaque does not know its place in the human body, but God
Paruah from God, which is the secret of the mysteries of God and fired at the flag because he knew Hefei does not enter snobby
A stingy and does not reach

And studying why?
Studying how to link to this stuff, which Khvat on many of the people
Not known, but little of this is thanks to Allah and His Messenger

How to take advantage of that knowledge?
Be by learning the right way from the chieftains of confidence in their knowledge
It must be a person sure what to do and a great deal of self-confidence

Both private and public?
Same as the previous answer and must not parsimony in science because it destroys
When it appeared the flag?
Spiritual science from ancient times and appeared exactly when you want to date
I do not know
But there are many stories of them talk about this science

Allah says in Sura: {and Kafr Soliman but the devils disbelieved, teaching men magic and what was revealed to the two angels Babylon, Harut and Marut and knew of a so Icola but we affliction not atone They learn them what differentiate it between man and wife and they Bdharyn its one only God willing, and learn what harm them nor benefit them (102)}.

God said to His Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him some Mkhaza Jews of the Children of Israel, who did not believe in him nor Balqrouan Karim authority of the Torah Originally revealed to Moses, peace be upon him, and included a call to faith in God alone with no partner does not like him and faith Moses messenger and a prophet and Islam as a religion and the law.

It was Almkhaza committed by the infidels of the children of Israel that they are in the era of Prophet Sulaiman peace be upon him left the Psalms, the Book of Allah and followed what gave them the demons of magic books.

The Devils ascend to the space is up to the clouds and the clouds where Istrkon hearing the words of the angels who speak some of what will be, God willing, in the land of death, ordered or misfortunes would come priests infidels who claim that they know the unseen and tell them, talk priests people Vigdonh as they said, and when he leaned them priests, admitted lying to the news Vzarroa with every word seventy words, people wrote that speech in the books, and the children of Israel in Fsha that the jinn and demons know the unseen, God forbid.

He sent the prophet Sulaiman peace be upon him some of his soldiers and the collection of those books he placed them in a box, and then buried under his chair, was not one of the demons can be approximated from the chair and only burned, Sulaiman said: "I do not hear anyone mention that the Devils know the unseen but struck his neck." He was embittered by the demons of our Lord Solomon peace be upon him, because God gave him secretly, were obey him with disbelief, it is believed that they serve him, working his arduous work.

As Matt Solomon peace be upon him, say, the number of scientists who knew what did Solomon's books of magic and he buried under his chair, and went on generation and brought other, represent the devil in human form, and then came a group of the children of Israel, he said to them: Do Adlkm treasure inexhaustible taking him ? They said: Yes, he said: "The Solomon was not a prophet but was charming, Vahfroa under his chair," objected and Muslims were offended and said: "Solomon was a prophet, but a Muslim believer."

He returned the devil to decorate the evil whispered to Kfar of the children of Israel who believed his words and went with them and showed them the place and stood aside, they said to him: "approached oh this", he said: No, but I'm right here in your hands, the not find Fund Vaqthelona, "Vhfroa found the box and pulled out those books. dropped her when he said the dreaded devil: "The Solomon but was controlling mankind and demons and magic of this bird," said the infidels: "It was fascinating Suleiman, this magic, it was Ikherna Weah's orders."

Then flew the devil, and Fsha between people that Solomon was a magician, God forbid, as well as the owner Easf Berechiah who brought him the throne of Bilqis dignity honored by God.

And took Kfar children of Israel are working, including in those books, and the right that the magic is not the work of the prophets and saints, and the Kafr Soliman peace be upon him to be a prophet of God impeccably for sins and minor shabbiness and all the vices and vices as well as it impeccably disbelief.

Babylon, Iraq
It is the first founders of him?
Two angels Harut and Marut Guide

Sheikh narrated by Ibn Jarir the commentators - isnaad - to Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with in the verse: (and what was revealed to the two angels). He said: God did not come down magic.
Also narrated from Anas bin spring (and what was revealed to the two angels) said: Allah has revealed to them what magic.
Then Ibn Jarir said: Vtaoal verse on this sense that we mentioned that Ibn Abbas and spring from direct them the meaning of saying (and what was revealed to the two angels) to: "did not come down to the two angels" and followed that Ttheloa Devils on King Solomon of magic, and the Kafr Soliman nor revealed God magic on the two kings, but the devils disbelieved, teaching men magic Babylon, Harut and Marut, so then he said: (Babylon, Harut and Marut) from the backside, which means submission. Uh.

He said the verse:
Says: (what was revealed to the two angels) "what" denial, and waw of kindness on to say: (and Kafr Soliman), so that the Jews said: God sent down Gabriel and Michael witchcraft; he denied God, in the speech provision and delay, estimate: what Kafr Suleiman and what was revealed to the two angels, but devils disbelieved, teaching men magic Babylon, Harut and Marut; Vhaarot and Marut instead of demons in saying: (but the devils disbelieved). This is what carried him first verse of interpretation, and the healthiest what was said, and do not pay attention to others; Valshr of extracting demons essence of gentleness and precision to make them understand. Uh.

He guessed Al Qasimi, the fact that "what" denying, and Harut and Marut were two men demonstrators goodness. He said: I know that the scientists in this verse and many faces, and the sayings are many; Some of them went where the doctrine Akhbaris leap wheat from the chaff, and some of them stop with seemingly pure and Tmahl when intercepted, including the correct meaning in indispensable, and some of them claimed that the introduction delays, reported most recently on first, as to make it more like riddles and Almamyat, strolling by the statement, which informed their words, to other than what he sees Orbiter wrote.
And who went to investigators that Harut and Marut were two men demonstrators righteousness and piety in Babylon ... and the people they knew magic. The total good people believing them that they thought they were angels from heaven, and Aalmana to people is inspired by God, and reached the cunning of these two men and Mhafezthma believing people Hassan in which they have come to say everyone who wants to learn them: (but we affliction not atone), ie: but we Oulu sedition Nbluk and Nkhtbarak, Ockr or atone, and advise you not to atone. So to say that people Johma Alovernmma divine, and Snaathma spirituality, and they mean that they are not only good ...
The "what" here denying the healthiest words, and the word (kings) here Ward by current practice among the people at that time

Why parsimony shows in particular that the flag without all jealous?
The sense that it does not want one, but the Senate Education, for example, and those with relatives they have standing? Or money ????
He learned to not only learn each and every difficulty of learning science honestly do not spare only in limited extras
But another reason for it to learn the same way or wants to make a student in front of him, which maintains what arrived Eh
Are you aware of the spiritual connection in some ways like any methodology: Sufis. Or owners of any doctrine?
Yes linked because all roads have Awrad This Alaward her servants serve him but for myself, I am not on any way
Nor any doctrine but the doctrine of apostolic prophet Mohammed peace be upon him

When you read the will or the male: Do attend or Jana King immediately or there will be other points should do?
Yes attend the Custodian of the servants of the determination and the male is seen anyone who reads and knows the presumption of what you read and what you want and everything
Will will complement or tire will leave the determination whether or above and take the other or it will continue all this server knows

To what extent can use that server or Jana or King?
According to the officers of you from what you can do for someone else or

What is the name him at that case ???????
Sual Jaddaaaaaaaaaaa important because most people do not know his answer
In the beginning to take the Custodian of the king in order to work with you
This server over and grow up with you I do not mean in age but in the grade
For example, a server and you just come and have another server eroded the first server
And coming up to the first server becomes the king of his head almost equal to the basic King
Who came in the beginning

Where you know how powerful that server who me?
SERVER is the one who tells you what he can do or work done
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What is the spiritual science?
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السحر الاسود,سحر بابل هاروت وماروت :: Spiritual science and magic-
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