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 Great way to use the triangle hid scientists and shows it to you in January

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Great way to use the triangle hid scientists and shows it to you in January  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Great way to use the triangle hid scientists and shows it to you in January    Great way to use the triangle hid scientists and shows it to you in January  Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 19, 2014 1:06 am

Great way to use the triangle hid scientists and shows it to you in January 
In the name of God the Merciful Lord of the Worlds, and may Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and the Great Prophet Noble Prophet and his family and companions and followers and handed him charitably to the Day of Judgment. 

I've hinted scientists Kalboni in pearls and coral and Ibn Sina in Mejrebath and others have increased and Angsoa and Nspoh to free the middle and did not show his way right and they admitted that the wise men hid in the breasts in order to Aiga secret in the hands of the common folk and emerges from the chest and writes in the sand and Aaketb in Alkagd and paper and all this even Aakchw this mystery Galilee. But I came violates their careers and cursing Ablisshm and FAFSA Marmsoh shows Secret Maktamoh This method is the mystery of the Triangle and discharged by the great acting and the triangle in each Xi and brings dirhams, food and minerals, but sulfur is red and pure gold and metal authentic. 

Method: Take a piece of Saturn and I mean to go with the Saturn spacecraft and take a piece of it, but I mean the mettle which lead Tqsa square-shaped and have a light not heavy and weighed 9 grams on the number of houses or 15 grams on the number of rib or 45 grams of prepared college. 
Then embossed which houses Alovq nine on Sunday in the first hour before sunrise and be Saam is recorded in the House thousandth letter thousandth (a) and less (BAA) 100 times and determination Barhettih once and five verses once and write (b) in the House of Alaba says (Bakatrial) 200 times and Barhettih and five verses twice because the symbols Alpha and symbols Alaba to the sun and their day Sunday and Tbkm harp and benzoin, frankincense and then take the board and put it in the bag silk Black and attachment in Sepeh of pomegranate acid in place of free add then inflict on the morning of Monday, and then type the letter gym before sunrise remember (Jlish) 300 times and Barhettih and five verses 3 times and then place the board in the bag and put it in the Sepeh also offers and inflict on Tuesday and writes a character signifier then remember (Dmaal) 400 times and Barhettih and five verses 4 times and do the same way on Tuesday and embossed symbols distraction and remember (Httoh) 500 time Barhettih and five verses 5 times and do the same way on Wednesday and write the letter waw remember (and Hem) 600 times and Barhettih and five verses 6 times and on Thursday, as well as the same way you write a character zai says (Znqta) 700 times and Barhettih and five verses 7 times on Friday, writes a character ha says (Hedaya) 800 times and Barhettih and lettuce verses 8 times on Saturday and writes a character says Tae (Tafaal) 900 times and Barhettih and five verses 9 times. Tae because of a fault attributed to Saturn. If this is done disposition and supplemented the situation on the pattern mentioned in the first hour of every day and be a cosine on Saturday and flying Alovq every day in a black bag hanging Bsepeh pomegranate acid and inflict the next day and embossed character and read the foregoing and then submit it and so on, and his last day Hoyum on Saturday. The board will be ready and has Alovq Muammar full Bhrovh then submit it in place as you typed it offers and do not forget that the evaporation in each time you type a character harp and benzoin, frankincense. And sleep Sunday night and rest if become cleansed and perfume smell good and pray the morning prayer in the place where the board then resuspended evaporation underneath something fraction of the lute and benzoin, frankincense and of course be Saam and within its retreat fully for 9 days and then sit in the future direction because the direction point of Saturn and the board in front of you and read on character thousandth (thousand thousand thousand ...) on the weight Aigg 1111 visits and name Mainasabh of the names of Allah (God) 1111 times then says duty Aahtmhtalegaaúal sworn you right thousandth rightly Hdhun Halhmad Tmakhlch Bkhalilkh 11 times and determination then say (BAA) 11 times Barhettih verses 11 times and five Tptdo Pkhaas Hmasag 11 times. Then waiting in Khalotk until Sunday and remember the letter Alaba number Bakr and the name that fits the character of Alaba same number and the same way, and so to the last letters and Saam you for life and Maikrj them to complement the nine days. And explain to you more: 

Sunday: read (thousand) on the weight Aigg 1111 visits (God) in 1111 once sworn duty Aahtmhtalfaaúal you right thousandth rightly Hdhdion Hlmhid Tmakhlch Bkhalilkh 11 times (BAA) 11 times. Barhettih and Alaaaat five 11 times and then say Ojibwa Yarohanih this Alovq and Yarohanih these characters right Razak Wahab Fattah Mannan respondent Muti Basset singer with a height you show proof answer 11 times. 

Monday: read (B) on the weight of the firstborn 222 times (the rest) 222 duty Aajermhaaúal the right time and the right Alaba Khamshkh Hillkh Mhcht. 22 times. (Bakatrial) 22 times. Barhettih and verses 22 Mrhthm says Ojibwa Yarohanih this Alovq and Yarohanih these characters right Razak Wahab Fattah Mannan respondent Muti Basset singer with a height you show proof answer 22 times. 

Tuesday: read (C) on the weight Gelh 333 visits (Galilee) 333 times the duty O Talkotaiaúal the right of the gym and the right Hedmkh Hchlkhkh 33 visits (Jlish) 33 times Barhettih and verses 33 times and then say Ojibwa Yarohanih this Alovq and Yarohanih these characters right Wahab Razak Fattah Mannan respondent Muti Basset singer with a height you show proof answer 33 times. 

Wednesday: read (D) on the weight of 444 long time (permanent) 444 times, my duty Skmhaaúal right signifier and the right Hlotf Mhllkh Hoped Chltt. 44 visits (Dmaal) 44 times Barhettih verses five and 44 times then says Ojibwa Yarohanih this Alovq and Yarohanih these characters right Razak Wahab Fattah Mannan respondent Muti Basset singer ever appear in proof length answer 44 times. 

Thursday: read (E) on the weight of Hent 555 time (Pacific) 555 times, my duty Laaúal distraction right and the right of Zbaht Hmkik Hishtita. 55 visits (Httoh) Barhettih 55 times and 55 times the verses and then says this Ojibwa Yarohanih Alovq and Yarohanih these characters right Razak Wahab Fattah Mannan respondent Muti Basset singer with a height you show proof answer 55 times. 

Friday: read (F) on the weight of dirt 666 times (friendly) 666 times. Oh right Tonaaúal duty waw rightly Mahddoh Hltamokh brach. 66 time (Hem) 66 times. Barhettih verses five and 66 Mrhthm says Ojibwa Yarohanih this Alovq and Yarohanih these characters right Razak Wahab Fattah Mannan respondent Muti Basset singer with a height you show proof answer 66 times. 

Saturday: read (G) on the weight Zgz 777 visits (Zaki) 777 times. Hey Almsheeaúal duty and the right of the right zai Madarsh ​​Htatm Mht. (Znqta) 77 times. Barhettih and verses 77 times. Then says Ojibwa Yarohanih this Alovq and Yarohanih these characters right Razak Wahab Fattah Mannan respondent Muti Basset singer ever Ataiwltzaroa proof answer. 77 visits 

Sunday: read (H) at 888 times the weight of geode (District) 888 times. Aatefaaúal duty and the right of the right ha Dhlikh Kmfaltkh. 88 times. (Hedaya) 88 times. Barhettih and verses 88 times. Then says Ojibwa Yarohanih this Alovq and Yarohanih these characters right Razak Wahab Fattah Mannan respondent Muti Basset singer with a height you show proof answer. 88 visits 

Monday: read (I) on the weight of Tsz 999 times (Tahir) 999 times. Aaastiaúal duty and the right of the right Tae Hmht Mlchk Mlhac slapped. 99 visits (Tafaal) 99 times. Barhettih and verses 99 times. 
Then answer the Yarohanih says this Alovq and Yarohanih these characters right Razak Wahab Fattah Mannan respondent Muti Basset singer ever appear in proof length answer 99 times. 

You see the board vibrates and moves in the first Uwe second day to nine days and do not slow down more than that. 
When you see him move, even on the first day Vlatkml rest days. And put it on your head with a black bag and then if you want to dispose of it Vamay to a place free from the people and put it on the soil of pure or sand Taher and click a character thousandth lute pomegranate acid and be hanging end lute bag Silk Black .oatheloa it Wahab Razak Fattah Mannan respondent Muti Basset singer ever Height 45 times with Barhettih 45 times with five verses 45 times. Brings dinars and dirhams .bhol God and his ability. And if you want Xi of honey and milk drinks come with an iron pierced like Pep Alsentubojkon long and end slightly curved to hurt him fluids and put it on a character signifier and the end of the vessel, and a character signifier race water is fit to drink. But if you want to Xi of gems you Alaba character or element, it waw dirt lay it promises pomegranate acid and resuspended end Black silk bag free. You'll find gems in the bag. 

This way you will not find complete this form in books and manuscripts, but deficient in the number and names of the way. But there are no characters and their properties Admarha. This is a gift from me to you are very expensive weighed the mountains of the world was gone. They used this method to know the truth without knowing falsification. To Atnsona of a sincere call
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Great way to use the triangle hid scientists and shows it to you in January
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