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 Limits of astronomical clocks and extraction method 1

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

Limits of astronomical clocks and extraction method 1 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Limits of astronomical clocks and extraction method 1   Limits of astronomical clocks and extraction method 1 Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 19, 2014 12:30 am

[ltr]Limits of astronomical clocks and extraction method[/ltr]

[ltr]Extraction of the Astronomical Clock and its owner 

Extract astronomical clock to any of the necessary supplies very in any account of the astronomical has been placed in the astrologers of special importance to its significant role in devising and extrapolation of analyzes and they built the provisions of this time and the owner (ie the Lord and seized) to the fact that the owner of the Astronomical Clock has a big role in the science of astronomical observations in Terms astrological 
So the scientists divide the hours of the night twelve hours and hours of the day twelve hours 
And made starting daylight hours from sunrise to sunset, and night hours from sunset to sunrise 
Whether or Aallil daylight in summer or winter, clocks lengthened or shortened depending on the seasons and her days. 
And the fact that clocks washer start when the day from sunrise and lengthened and shortened according to the seasons summer and winter 
Department scientists also have days of the week on the amplitude of the planets that the planet gave each day. 
On Sunday, they gave to the sun and the moon on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Mars to Mercury and Thursday, and Friday of the buyer of the flower and Saturday for Saturn 
Some of them have systems in that poem, he said: 

Shams Badr Mercury and Mars *** buyer flower superior to Saturn 
Per day his star Fd **** from him next Saturday in order and prayed 

The following Saturday is any on Sunday 
These days, the planets of the mentioned day 
The nights of marching in the same systems starting Thursday night, any of the ears Morocco Wednesday, and it is to the sun during the day Sunday and Thursday night 
To the moon during the day Monday and Friday night, and so etc. ......... 
Because of this arrangement, follow this division, the scientists have also calculated by dividing the twelve hours on the seven planets and gave each planet hour beginners from the owner of the day and then what followed in the order of this House of existing systems poetic 

Saturn urticaria Martiah of sun **** Wiczhard to Atar satellites 

Was the first hour of the day on Sunday and Thursday night to the sun because it is her day and night. 
And the second time to the following Sun Venus 
And the third time to the following Mercury, Venus, which 
The time for the fourth and fifth moon of Saturn, and so 
The higher end of the house Neptdye ole 

(Note) the word or the Lord of the owner or the planet is one, we say that the Lord of the day or the day or the owner of Planet today Meaning is one. 
To find out the owner of any time we want the time, you should know for the day if the time required during the day 
Or the duration of the night if the time required for the night 
And then divide that period on / 12 come out for the Astronomical Clock 
We then take that period between sunrise and the time that was required during the day, or the duration of the sunset to the time that was required for the night 
Then Nksmha on the duration of the Astronomical Clock 
Van was to divide the rest of the rest FengAt one never Ndjemah the quotient 
And give each planet and one of the starters outside of the planet today 
Where do the number on the planet is the Lord of the Astronomical Clock 


We wanted to know the owner of time for the day Tuesday, March 4th year / 2007 / Hour 10/40 / minutes in the morning 
We took the duration of the day was 11 v 37 s 
Was divided by 12 to 58 s 5 o a period of time astronomical 
Then we calculated the duration of the hour was to Aalchroq sunrise on 6 v 23 s 
And Madhalta between them is 4 v 17 s 
Here we divided the astronomical clock was outside the number 4 and the remaining 24 s 40 seconds 
We utterly rest and one on the outside and Dvnah number became the number / 5 
Fa Attiyna each planet one day starters from the owner of a number of Mars stood on the moon and then he is the owner of time required 

The employer can extract a second time in a way. 
It adds that the duration of the Astronomical Clock on the sunrise that was during the day. Or at sunset that night was the first time out the second because the first hour of sunrise Aptdaaha Ogharwb 
Add to a period of time and then the second hour astronomical out the first third Zdha out on the third and fourth so to twelve o'clock 
Flo also increase the Astronomical Clock on 12 out of the time of sunset. It is learned that the health of your business 
See your watch and then approve any astronomical clock thigh and walk out on the planets of the MSM Mptd planet today Oallilh Where do the calculation time required is a planet 
In our example: - the sunrise at 6 v 23 S- and duration of the Astronomical Clock 58 5 s Ni 
N jaw work so 

Limits of astronomical clocks and extraction method 1 Sahat000

We entered a 10-hour required 40 s t Fujdnaha under five o'clock, which begins at 10 v 15 s 20 Ni 
And ending at 11 v 13 s 25 Ne we explained to the five starters on the planets of the owner of the day, which stood on Mars 
Moon, the owner of the required time.
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Limits of astronomical clocks and extraction method 1
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