تسخير الجن,تحضير الارواح,تعلم السحر الاسود,تعلم الروحانيات,طلاسم السحر,سحر المحبة,سحر التهييج,سحر الطلاق,سحر الربط,مخطوطات روحانيه,كتب السحر,الكنوز المدفونة,الخواتم الروحانيه,الملوك السبعة,الجلجلوتيه,البرهيتيه | |
| Satan shed door and Nassour Ali Shan is a great enemy of secrets | |
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worldnews Admin
عدد المساهمات : 505 مفيد : 5310 السٌّمعَة : 0 تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014
| موضوع: Satan shed door and Nassour Ali Shan is a great enemy of secrets الأربعاء أغسطس 13, 2014 5:28 pm | |
| In the name of God the Merciful [ltr] Send door and shed [/ltr] [ltr] It is a great matter first must be your enemy or oppressor Wright meaning someone be Raúath even for once and then fast for the soul and what came out of them and be like Ramadan and Ali Shurk food is not the spirit does not eat too much then you only eat so as not to die Saturation does not even eat fast any day you want to be the best and Saturday or Monday or Tuesday and be in a room alone Mokhtla for people and be Wardak that day, respectively the following mentioned [/ltr] [ltr] Ttzhr dawn and pray and act Amar determination Alaigmoshih number seven times and then paint Cabaz in red paper Bzaafran and water contained the blood of deer and hang or 333 then recites the names and be Boukurk Javanese and stated that [/ltr] [ltr] After dawn (fسريع قريب مجيب أهيا شراهيا أدوناي أصباؤت آل شداي) Number 2159 [/ltr] [ltr] Then to sleep before noon and Ttodi [/ltr] [ltr] Then pray and recite the names back in the afternoon [/ltr] [ltr] (عظيم شديد البطش أهيا شراهيا أدوناي أصباؤت آل شداي) number 3132 [/ltr] [ltr] Times and then pray reciting the names after the prayer [/ltr] [ltr] (ولقد علمت الجنة انهم لمحضرون), number 1999 [/ltr] [ltr] Morocco and then pray reciting names [/ltr] [ltr] (أشمخٍ شماخٍ العالي علي كل براخ هو الله) Number 3064 [/ltr] [ltr] It is known that the dinner would be authorized, you do not care and do not stand and read a fuller Boukurk not only interrupted during the recitation [/ltr] [ltr] When you finish dinner and say, Pray (يا جبار) without number comes up at 12 midnight the night [/ltr] [ltr] And pray to God and two by the evaporation of incense and recite determination derived number 1000 times a thousand times in Nglt not speak during the reading, but do not think about anything but the resolve and determination, this is as it is :: [/ltr] [ltr] حجميشٍ عمشٍ قريطيشٍ هو ربي باروخٍ يالله يا شمخٍ هو شماخٍ العلي علي كل براخ هو الله أجيبو يا خدام هذه الاسماء بحقها عليكم وطاعتها لديكم أذهبوا الى (فلان ابن فلانه) فى صور مختلفة وصورو له صورتي وكنو له كنيتي وسمو له اسمي ومكاني وعرفوه بي واضربوه حتي يقضي حاجتي طوعا او كرها بارك الله فيكم وعليكمالمصدر : منتدى النور الساطع ميططرون 01141747586: http://elmagic2.akbarmontada.com/t4441-topic#ixzz3AVgycIED[/ltr] [ltr] Know that you do not only unfair to the mighty stubborn he perish from the devil and intensity Fajadamh Nassour and cluster and Ancod King and Abed fire beware and watch out and do not be ignorant of [/ltr] [ltr] This is Cabaz [/ltr] [ltr] [/ltr] | |
| | | | Satan shed door and Nassour Ali Shan is a great enemy of secrets | |
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