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 Resolve names to request affiliation

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 505
مفيد : 5249
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/07/2014

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مُساهمةموضوع: Resolve names to request affiliation    Resolve names to request affiliation  Emptyالأحد أغسطس 17, 2014 1:43 am

Resolve names to request affiliation
In the name of God the Merciful

May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

In the name of God in Almtdani taller transcendent in Dnoh tyrannical Bjbroch solo and there is no God but Pride is an individual-based Permanent Sultan, who underwent his kings and became King of greatness owned creator of the heavens and the Earth will create the angels messengers wings two, three, or four.
Increases in creation Maizhae God over all things, I swore to you, O pure pure spiritual lives of Lights core of people Tuck Tuck core of bright lights shining Gorgeous swore you name the rapid high-impregnable Mahgoub required inventory Webmasters, a name of God the great majority of the seven characters, or was dead Vahieddinah and made him Nora walks in people like him in the darkness is not outside of them as well as Zain Allah is no god but He, the neighborhood Gayoom pain God is no god but He, the neighborhood Gayoom and your God is one God and no God but is merciful Munawar Fjh Tzkhoz Vhzt Hdz God individual Shahid Jabbar fixed apparent expert Zaki carefree Aaferd Aajabbar Aashahyd Eattapt presence Aazahria expert Aizqui Wonderful O our God and God of everything one is no god but you possessor of majesty and honor carefree I begged you the right to name the great bulk of spirituality that harness this name Akhaddmona
Fannie and my right mind at the time of God and the Charter nor Spend a sin and you in the reign of God, you are responsible for what you want things. Duty O Rouguiaúal and you Aajpraúal and you Aasemsmaúal and you Yamikaúal And you Srfaaúal And you Niaúal and truly There is nothing like a Leger nor rent attic and the right of command between the CAF and Noon, but his command if you want to serve me and take into account my right and do what I want and Asrvh in all my needs from the matter of religion and minimum and the reign of God and the covenant and not one of you in Spend sin and was in charge of the reign of God
O Allah, I ask you your name bone greatest Illit by Vtglat him to Musa bin Imran over Mount Sinai and extremes and book Almstor and including cracked from the top of the mountain and ask O dignity of this signal, which ran out the word Tazimk your contacts Aahoal it is and at the height of Azza and does not preclude nor go away and do not surrounded by mala nor illusions nor minds. I swore you done O Roviaúal and you Aajpraúal And you Semsaúal and you Yamikaúal And you Niaúal and you Axfaaúal only what ordered to a servant of the jinn is my situation and take into account my right and God at the time of the charter that does not spend one of you in disobedience to God and the reign of God in charge.
O Allah, I ask you the names written in the marquee throne and names surrounding skies seven and Alaradin seven a Lahiya Cherahia Adonai Obbaat Al Shidaa Taalit gosh great tyrants and grown from the great and hallowed Lord of the Majid great but it is the Almighty Azza does not preclude not go away nor is surrounded by illusions and minds , Ojibwa Yamashr spirits who calls him by name lives of mortal bodies Vieidha worn feeling to Almontrh skulls snorts Alouha Alouha calf time most of the time and ask God. Falsehood claims the go, and the right second to none and bullied, Rmtkm beam glossy and bright light in terms of what went you going is not because you see it Totn reality Astnasrt you God Ghafoor and extremes and primarily Almstor paper publication and House globe and including cracked from the top of the mountain and the generosity of this reference Alouha Alouha calf calf Clock rightly the name of God the Merciful in the name of God, the transcendent in Dnoh Almtdani in taller tyrannical Bjbroch solo pride, and pride is not God but is individual-based and Sultan Permanent who underwent his kings and became King of greatness owned .vatr heavens and the earth will create the angels messengers wings two, three, or four Yazd in creation what pleases God on everything Kadeer, I swore to you, O spirits spirituality pure pure of Lights core Tuck of people shining bright Gorgeous swore you name the high-impregnable Lord of the seven characters or dead Vahaenah and made him Nora walks in people like someone like him in the fire is not outside of them as well as the people you swore Zain bright bright Gorgeous sworn upon the right of the name of the Lord, a rapid high the name of God, the great majority Fjh Tzkhoz Jabbar thanks God, Creator of constant apparent expert Zaki duty to God you Aarouguiaúal you and your servants of spirituality and terrestrial
Right Matlute you from the name of God the bone-Azam and the right of God individual Fattah what he wants unconformity mornings and will create overnight accommodation and the sun and the moon thunderbolt that estimate Aleem Aziz answer God's Aajpraúal you and your servants of spirituality and the floor right Matlute you of the name of God, the great majority Jabbar of Might and Glory answer Hey Semsmaúal you and Khaddmk of spirituality and ground right Matlute you of the name of God the great majority rightly Shakur Commender severe martyr effective than sticks you to these names answer God's Yamikaúal you and your servants of spirituality and the floor right Matlute you of the name of God, the great majority rightly hard Almighty one Blessed be God the Creator affective answer you, O God, you and your servants Srfaaúal of spirituality and terrestrial Matlute you right from the name of the great God and truly the greatest expert of God the Creator Knowing Creator of all things which everything agent
.ojb Aacfhiaúal you and your servants of spirituality and the floor right Matlute you of the name of God, the great majority, and the right of innocent Such is Allah, your Lord is no god but is all about Hulk, but the point of his rule and to him you shall return Where Rouguiaúal Wayne doctrine where Gabriel Where once Where tiller Where Semsmaúal Where the Red Where Mehrez Mikael Where Where Where jaundice Srfaaúl Hmhorh Wayne Wayne Wayne Red Mehrez Wayne Abu Hassan whirlwind Wayne Xfaaúal Maimonides Cloud Mattli you answer the right of the name of the great God and truly the greatest mystery of God, Creator of Fjh Ttkhoz Jabbar thanks fixed apparent news Zaki.
Alouha Alouha Calf Clock

This recipe covenant that repeat on the upper and lower spirituality says

The name of God the greatest spiritual lives Asthalvkm O angels of God to be the same old obligatory Sunday Permanent per capita Samad neighborhood Gayoom owner of King of Might and honor the Lord God, who is no god but He, the unseen world and the Most High certificate Jabbar creative possibilities of the heavens and the earth and the owner of the King of the kingdom the eternal Rahman Permanent based on all the same, including earned and perfectly qualities and Jalal names and holy, its lights and great Sultana and proof of its ability to All Mekdurath the sun and the moon and the stars and the light and the brightness and books and messengers of God and the Last Day and everything promised by a spirit of life and the Covenant which Okhaddh God the heavens and the Earth, said to them, come both willingly or loth to be my help in every Maahtaj God and I'm asking you what Tticoh as long as you alive nor Ttakroa me while I invite you gave me the reign of God on it and fulfill the covenant of Allah when ye to the guarantor _thm repeated to the Giebok Yes acceptance
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